SBox module

This module implements SBox functionality for generating all types of keys.

It implements core operations for cryptographic key generation using an SBox and the Galois Field for bitwise arithmetic.

Key functions include multiplication, finding inverses, circular bit shifts, and non-linear transformations.

How it works?

  1. Represents the primitive polynomial (0x11b) used in Galois Field arithmetic.

  2. Calculates the multiplication of two numbers in the GF using bitwise operations and the primitive polynomial: loop(x,y,acc)={accif y=0loop(x1,y1,accx)if y’s least significant bit is 1loop(x1,y1,acc)if y’s least significant bit is 0\text{loop}(x, y, \text{acc}) = \begin{cases} \text{acc} & \text{if } y = 0 \\ \text{loop}(x \ll 1, y \gg 1, \text{acc} \oplus x) & \text{if } \text{y's least significant bit is 1} \\ \text{loop}(x \ll 1, y \gg 1, \text{acc}) & \text{if } \text{y's least significant bit is 0} \end{cases}

  3. Computes the inverse of a number in the Galois Field using the extended Euclidean algorithm.

  4. Performs a circular left shift operation on a binary number: \begin{align*} \text{rotate_left}(x, n) &= \text{result} \\ \text{n_int} &= \text{to_int}(n) \\ \text{shift_amount} &= \text{to_int}(8 - n) \\ \text{result} &= (x \ll n\_int) \,|\, (x \gg \text{shift_amount}) \end{align*}

  5. Applies an affine transformation used in the SBox for non-linearity: \begin{align*} \text{affine_transformation}(x) &= \text{result} \\ \text{operations} &= [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] \\ \text{b} &= 0x63 \\ \text{result} &= \text{fold_left}(\text{operations}, b, \lambda \text{acc}, i \rightarrow (\text{bit} = (x \gg i) \& 1) \,?\, (\text{acc} \oplus (bit \ll i)) \,:\, \text{acc}) \end{align*}

  6. Generates an S-Box table by applying the affine transformation to a range of values: \begin{align*} \text{create_sbox_table}() &= \text{result} \\ \text{range} &= [0, 1, 2, \ldots, 255] \\ \text{result} &= \text{map}(\text{range}, \lambda i \rightarrow \text{inv} = (i = 0) \,?\, 0 \,:\, \text{gf_inv}(i), \text{affine_transformation}(\text{inv})) \end{align*}

module Sbox = struct
  open Z

  let primitive = of_int 0x11b
  let gf_mul x y =
    let rec loop x y acc =
      if y = zero then acc
        let acc = if (logand y one) <> zero then logxor acc x else acc in
        let y = shift_right y 1 in
        let x = shift_left x 1 in
        if (logand x (of_int 0x100)) <> zero then
          loop (logxor x primitive) y acc
          loop x y acc
    in loop x y zero

  let gf_inv x =
    let rec egcd a b =
      if b = zero then (a, one, zero)
        let q, r = div_rem a b in
        let g, x, y = egcd b r in
        (g, y, logxor x (gf_mul q y))
    let g, x, _ = egcd x primitive in
    if g = one then x else zero

  let rotate_left x n =
    let n_int = Z.to_int n in
    let shift_amount = Z.to_int (Z.sub (Z.of_int 8) n) in
    Z.logor (Z.shift_left x n_int) (Z.shift_right x shift_amount)

  let affine_transformation x =
    let operations = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7] in
    let b = of_int 0x63 in
    List.fold_left (fun acc i ->
      let bit = logand (shift_right x i) one in
      logxor acc (shift_left bit i)
    ) b operations

  let create_sbox_table () =
    let range = List.init 256 (fun i -> i) in (fun i ->
      let inv = if i = 0 then zero else gf_inv (of_int i) in
      affine_transformation inv
    ) range

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